
Rules FAQs

If you have any questions about the rules, if you came up with some great house rules or have anything else to share, please comment below of email me (info@trench-club.com) and I will add them to the FAQ.

  1. Can Big Bertha aim at empty hexes?
    No. Units can only aim at other units in the “declare attacks” phase, not hexes on the board.
  2. Can Big Bertha hit airplanes?
    No. Big Bertha cannot attack or damage aircraft. Even if Big Bertha happens to hit a hex where there is an airplane, it cannot damage it.
  3. Does Big Bertha get combat experience if it randomly damages one of your own units?
    Yes. If it damages a unit in combat it gets 1 combat experience, if it destroys a unit she gets 2.
  4. Can you shoot at your own/allied units?
    No. You can only attack enemies. Only Big Bertha can randomly hit friendly units, but also has to aim at enemy units at declaration of attacks phase.
  5. Do units have to be placed in the river when they are placed on the board during game set up?
    They may be placed in water, but they do not have to.
  6. Does Austria-Hungary start with 3 war bonds/ money/ coins?
    No. This was in the rules of the first edition of Trench Club and is outdated. Austria-Hungary should not start with any money just like all factions.
  7. Does the Anti-Tank Gunner have combat advantage against Armored Cars?
    No. Only against tanks (A7V, St. Chammon, Mark IV male, Mark I female, Renault Ft-17).
  8. Can the Minelayer lay more than 4 mines?
    Yes, it can lay one mine every turn. However, more than 4 is very rare in practice, so only 4 mine markers are included. If you do need more, just use the gray start position tokens as mine markers.
  9. Can you put 2 mines on one hex?
    No. You cannot put 2 mine markers or 2 mines on one hex – unless there is a special rule card in the Legacy campaign that tells you so.
  10. Are air units affected by mines?
  11. How much experience does the Poison Gas Launcher get when it damages several units?
    It gets 1 combat experience if it damages at least one unit and 2 if it destroys at least one. If it damages or destroys more, there is no extra combat experience.
  12. Does the Poison Gas Launcher fire back at multiple hexes?
    No. If the Poison Gas Launcher is attacked by an enemy ground unit in close combat, it will fire back, but only at that one unit and not at any adjacent hexes.
  13. Can a troop transport truck unload units into a river/lake?
    Yes, but only foot soldiers, i.e. units that could also move into a river by themselves. Remember: If the units are in the river, they may not attack or shoot back when attacked.
  14. Can the railway gun move to a meadow?
    Yes. The railway gun has 0.5 movement points and can hence move to a road hex. Since there is a general rule that units can use their remaining last 0.5 movement points to move to a meadow, the railway gun could also move to a meadow hex.
  15. From which hexes can a foot soldier enter a fort?
    From every hex adjacent to one of the two opposite entrances.
  16. Can the Troop Transport Truck move 3 or 4 hexes?
    Errata: The Troop Transport Truck has 4 movement points (as indicated on the unit mat). There is a misprint on the miniature which only shows 3 movement points in the 1st edition of Trench Club.
  17. Does entering a Fort end the turn (or can you use it to short-cut movements)?
    Yes. Entering a fort ends the turn for this unit.
  18. FAQ: Why can’t you return fire when attacked over long range?
    Units can only fire back in close combat. That means, for example, when a Heavy Mortar is attacked from an Infantry, it cannot fire back. That is, because the Mortar has range 2-5 and hence cannot engage in close combat (range 1). If it was a Field Gun (range 1-3), it could fire back. In another case, let’s assume the Heavy Mortar is attacked over distance by a Howitzer. Still, the Mortar cannot fire back. The Howitzer would be in its range, but this is no close combat because the Howitzer attacks from multiple hexes away and close combat is only attacks from an adjacent hex (range 1).This rule has two reasons:
    (1) Historically, it was not possible where long range artillery fire came from, hence you could not return fire. This is by the way still hard to do today. Back in WW1, the only way to do this was acoustic detection (see comments in the trivia section of the rule book).
    (2) A second reason is game play. If artillery could fire back, this would simply make them too powerful. They already have an advantage due to their long range. This makes them more flexible in the choice of targets and they often gain combat experience without getting any damage. Artillery should be a support unit. Powerful, but also vulnerable.

How to Play Trench Club - English

How to Play Trench Club - German

Rules Update for the 2nd Edition


  • Can units in forts attack other units if so, is the whole fort considered as being next to the adjacent hexes?

    Posted August 28, 2021
    • Units in forts can neither attack nor be attacked. They behave like they are out of the game. This works best for the gameplay. The historical background is the following: The forts are defensive structures. Units in the fort cannot attack unit further away unless they leave the fort (unless they have artillery, which the special forces unit “gun turrets” represent). However, they are superior in defense. Attacking a fort in close combat would simply be suicide, resulting in the attacking unit being destroyed and the fort occupants not taking any damage. Therefore it is not allowed in the rules to attack a fort. The only way is to conquer a fort by getting to the unprotected side (the entrances). E.g., Fort Douaumont near Verdun was hit by more than 400,000 shells in 1916 and remained largely undamaged. However, it was captured several times, alternately by French and German infantry – once even accidentally, when two German companies came under their own artillery fire and stormed the Fort unplanned to seek shelter.

      Posted August 28, 2021
  • Are you going to make this FAQ downloadable?

    Stephen Farrell
    Posted September 10, 2021
    • We don’t plan that, since we see that as a “living” list, where things are constantly added. But you print this page out (or print to PDF) and it should come out OK in terms of formatting, etc.

      Philipp (PKB Games)
      Posted September 10, 2021
  • ;In the solo rules what does this mean? Both sides seem the same “always use the front side
    with the rounded punch borders”

    Charles Lauricello
    Posted September 11, 2021
    • If you think of the tokens as coins, you will find that one side (let’s say heads) has softer edges as the other side when you turn it around (let’s say tails). This comes from the punching out/cutting from the cardboard. The knifes come from one side and press the cardboard down a bit. This way you can determine “top” and “bottom” of the token. Makes sense? If this is confusing, just take a pen and draw a little dot on one side of the token. Just make sure you don’t draw the same unit twice.

      Philipp (PKB Games)
      Posted September 13, 2021
  • Hi Philipp, here is the question.
    In my turn, I move one infantry (that is adjacent to a neutral/enemy fort) and I conquest it. In the same turn, can I move another unit into the fort even if it is not adjacent to the fort (i.e. it is 2 or more hex away from the fort)? (The reason why the second unit enters, is that the unit has several damages and needs to recover)

    Posted September 16, 2021
    • Yes. Once you conquered a Fort you put a flag chip on it and it is yours. You can move own units in your Forts at any time. It does not matter how long it is yours already.

      Philipp (PKB Games)
      Posted September 16, 2021
      • Am I understanding conquering a bunker correctly?

        If my opponent has 1 or more units in a bunker, and I simply walk an infantry unit into the bunker, I take over the bunker, and ALL enemies are immediately destroyed? No damage to my unit? This seems quite strong and almost a death wish to keep any units in friendly bunkers.


        Posted November 22, 2023
  • Idea for house rule with the winter side if the map. Each round you roll a die to see what the weather conditions for that day will be. Roll 1-4 and weather is fine. Roll 5-8 and you have heavy snow. Roll 9-12 and you have deep freeze.
    When weather is fine, game plays as normal. When heavy snow, you can’t move as fast, so each movement requirement is increased by .5 (roads are now 1, snow/meadow is 1.5 and forest is 2) for the round. If deep freeze, then things take longer to start up and your distance for each unit is reduced by 1. If a unit only has one movement (Heavy Morter), they can only be moved by transport. Also, the river is now frozen and can be crossed by all units, but be careful if you leave units on it, as next round they could be stuck in water if not frozen again and if a unit that can’t normally be in water is there and conditions change they are sunk and lost. Gunboat can’t move as they are stuck in ice but can attack and defend from their starting position.

    David Yarc
    Posted September 21, 2021
    • That’s a great idea, David! Have you tested it in play already?

      Philipp (PKB Games)
      Posted September 21, 2021
      • Not yet, thought of it on recently when introducing and playing the game with a friend. Should be meeting up in a few weeks to play again and will be trying out then. Will reply if it works well or not in action.

        David Yarc
        Posted September 22, 2021
  • I couldn’t find the answer to this one, so I would really appreciate a clarification:

    Can the Anti-Aircraft Unit attack ground units, or air units only?

    Thank you for a great game!

    Posted September 21, 2021
    • Hi Magnus,
      the anti air units cannot shoot at ground units, as you can see on the unit card.
      On the right side there is a little blue cloud with “1-3”.
      This means that this unit can only shoot at air units with the range from 1 to 3 hexes.
      You can read this in the discription on page 9 Phase 2 where you can find the blue cloud, too.

      Posted September 22, 2021
      • Thank you! I assumed this was the case, but couldn’t find any entry that stated that the AAU could attack air units _only_, though it certainly makes sense!

        Posted September 23, 2021
  • Hallo Philipp,

    why do the railwaygun and the gun turrets cannot earn experience?

    Posted September 22, 2021
    • Railway gun: in situations where it gets significant experience (veteran, hero) that’s usually because it is in a position where no enemy can reach it. That’s bad for them already, but increasing the firepower further would be too much of an advantage in such a situation and break the game.

      Turrets: basically, because they cannot be destroyed. So they would always become war hero, if only the game last long enough. That again, would break the balance. The turrets should be “annoying” for the opponent, but not make their forts unable to be captured.

      Philipp (PKB Games)
      Posted September 24, 2021
  • When executing a flank or surround (say for example two units are both attacking the same enemy unit with a flanking attack) attack, does each unit get to roll extra dice or only the first one, since by the time the second unit fires the first unit can no longer “theoretically attack” because it has already used its attack for the turn?

    Posted September 24, 2021
    • Both get the extra red dice.

      The „can theoretically attack“ just excludes units which cannot attack at all (transport truck), cannot attack on close range (e.g., Howitzer) or cannot attack on ground/air (e.g., a tank cannot even theoretically attack a plane)

      Philipp (PKB Games)
      Posted September 25, 2021
  • I am pasting some Q&A that were discussed on BGG:

    1. Minimum range. If the min. range is higher than 2, need I take the shortest way? Or I can combinating to draw the path like : /\ . So I draw the distance 3 but it could be 2.
    ## Shortest way. Or read it the other way around: If e.g., a Howitzer has range 3-4, it cannot attack any unit that is 1 or 2 hexes away.

    2. My movement finished because I touched 2nd time the enemy unit. But on this field is standing already allied unit. So is the movement allowed? (In short: Does allied unit neutralize the enemy contact?)
    #No. You cannot move there in this case.

    3.Fort Turret has a range to all adjacent fields next to the whole fort?
    #Yes. That’s what’s meant by the comment on the unit chart “Range counts from any fort field”

    4. Can I conquer a fort where on entrence is an enemy unit?
    #Yes. Units cannot be “on an entrance”. Once a unit moves on an entrance field (the right or left hex of the four hexes of a fort), then it is considered inside the fort. To visualize that, I recommend placing units in the middle of the fort.

    5. Can I cut the corner when go from road the brodge? Map: (road vertical, bridge horizontal) |-
    #Yes. See rules page 6: “You don’t have to follow the course of the road, but can also move across a road or ‘cut corners’.”

    6. Can the infantary, which is staying next to the fort entrence to conquer it, fight and next turn fort is reached?

    7. Are units limited if I use all minis and chips? Or I can use other replacement?
    #That depends on how you want to play it. The more units of the same type you will allow, the longer the game will last. If I have a lot of time, I usually play with unlimited purchases. If I want a quicker game, we usually play that you can only have 1 or 2 units of each type at any given time.

    8. On the mixed terrain, it s is taken into consideration easier to move and better to defend? Or one terrain is dominating? (If on 1 hex is road and forest, then no defence bonus)
    #There should be no mixed terrain. Every hex has exactly one type. If there is a road, that only counts as a road terrain type. Just look at the “dominant” visual of the hex. E.g., a single tree is still only decoration for a meadow and would not quality as a forest. If a particular field is not clear, I am happy to clarify.

    9. The plain fly over the fort? (If yes, then the fort is 1 hex?)
    #No. See page 6: “You cannot go/fly over Forts (also not over the entry hexes).”

    10. Can I enter the fort in the 1st turn if I am standing on its entrence and move in the same time? ( position nr 9).
    #Yes. Conquering a fort with a foot soldier takes the full movement points of the foot soldier. So if the foot soldier still has all movement points (because it is standing on a hex adjacent to a fort entrance) it can conquer the fort.

    11. Terrain with mills have country roads(small ones). Is this a road in movement understanding?
    #No. This is just decoration.

    12. Are buildings treated as meadow?
    #Yes. They are just decoration.

    Philipp (PKB Games)
    Posted October 20, 2021
  • Hello, just have a few rules questions-
    1. Does the Big Bertha gain experience in the same white/white/yellow/yellow/red as the other units? I noticed it’s board on has 3 pips for EXP rather than the 5 like the others.
    2. – When the rulebook states to roll dice for the Special Forces Unit to determine which you get, how do you know which 12 sided die result nets you which unit? As there are only 8, we had a hard time figuring that out.
    3. Can units inside a fort pile inside a truck if the truck is inside the fort? My friend bought 2 Infantry and a Truck in the Fort but when he moved them out he did it as Truck- Inf.- Inf. and then tried to load the truck. I said “Moving out of a Fort is movement, the Truck would have already been finished.” To which he said “okay, instead, I move the Infantry inside the truck BEFORE the Truck leaves and then he drove the Truck to near another Fort and unloaded.
    And finally, 4. Will you be releasing any expansions, this game is GREAT!
    Thank you!

    Posted November 17, 2021
    • 1. Yes. 2 white, 2 yellow, 1 red. With each experience level (=color) it hits more accurately
      2. Assign the Special Forces to die numbers 1-8 and re-roll at 9-12
      3. Neither is allowed. Trucks need to leave forts empty. And: trucks cannot interrupt their move, i.e. they move and then unload units. They cannot move, then another unit moves (into the truck), then the truck unloads. That would interrupt the trucks move, which is not allowed.
      4. Yes, I will 🙂 Please sign up to the newsletter
      (the box at the very bottom of this page) to receive updates. I am super happy to hear you like the game 🙂

      Philipp (PKB Games)
      Posted November 17, 2021
  • Hey, I have a question about the forts. Are units in forts allowed to move within the fort? In the rulebook, it says, that units are allowed to leave the fort through any entry. So, am I allowed to enter the fort on one side, then move through the fort and then leave the fort on the other side? If I am allowed to move within the fort: How much movement points, does it cost?

    The game is awesome!

    Thank you!

    Posted December 30, 2021
    • Hi Jan, Thanks! Glad to hear you enjoy the game. Once you are in the Fort, it is considered one large hex field. So it doesn’t matter if you enter/exit through the left or right entrance. (Please note that entering a Fort ends the units turn. So you cannot enter a Fort and exit it again in the same turn)

      Philipp (PKB Games)
      Posted December 31, 2021
  • Hey, I have a qustion about the troop transports: Are units allowed to stay in a truck? So, this is, what a friend of mine did: He moved the truck near an infantry unit, then he moved the infantry up to the truck and loaded it in. He then moved the truck in his next turn and unloaded the infantry and this turn. Are you allowed to do that? If so: can a unit inside a truck be damaged, when the truck gets damage?

    In the rulebook it says, that a truck has to unload the units after the truck has moved. But in this case, the truck hasn’t moved after the infantry was loaded. If the truck can’t keep a unit inside, then my friend had probably to wait until his next turn to load the infantry.

    I love the game and thank you in advance!

    Posted December 31, 2021
    • Hi Jan, Very smart question! Short answer: this is not allowed. A better formulation in the rule book would be “the truck has to unload AT THE END OF ITS TURN”. This would also cover a situation where it hasn’t moved. Also, there is a rule that units cannot move any further after being dropped from a transport truck.

      Having said that, the main reason why this is not allowed is to simplify the rules and to avoid complicated situations like you mentioned (e.g., what if a truck with a loaded unit gets damaged). You can introduce house rules to allow that, you just need to agree upfront and cover all situations that may arise from that.

      Philipp (PKB Games)
      Posted December 31, 2021
  • Hi. I Finally tried out the game, and its awesome! 🙂 But I got some questions that I couldent find in the rules.

    1. In every faction there is and extra canon that does not fit in, in any of the pictures. What is that, or how do I see stats on it, or how should it be used?

    2. Is airplane also affected of the flank / surround? If 2 ground units is next to it (that cant fire at it), and a long range anti air units shoot at it? And also from the airplanes view, if it attacks and 1 allied ground units is next to the target?

    3. Is flank / surround also used when long range units attacks (like mortar and so on) and allies units is close to the target?

    4. In a 1v1 game, what are the victory conditions in the number of fortress captured? The rules only explain if its a 2v2 game.

    5. Is airplane affected by the “Enemy contact movement”? Like it has to end its turn if a enemy is beside the movement.

    6. Can airplanes fly over fortress?

    7. Can a minelayer fill up its mines by repair or is it just useless after it has placed the mines?

    8. Can a long range unit like Mortar and so on, shoot over fortress?

    Posted February 15, 2022
    • Thanks for reaching out. Glad you like it! Now to your questions:

      1. This was a Kickstarter stretch goal. You can ignore those or use them as additional units with house rules. For the regular games use the Howitzers for France and Austria-Hungary and the Field Guns for Germany and Great Britain.

      2. For Flank/Surround only units are counted that can attack the unit in close combat. So yes, the 2 ground units that can fire at the plan (e.g., Heavy Infantry) are counted and it would be a Flank attack against the plane. The Anti-Aircraft unit is not counted as this is not a close combat. If the Anti-Aircraft would be right next to the plane, this would be counted though (as it could attack in close-combat).

      From the airplanes view, if it attacks a ground unit, then yes, the other ground units would give it Flank/Surround support (again, only in close combat, so adjacent hexes and only if they can theoretically attack, so e.g., a Heavy Mortar (that cannot attack on range 1), a transport (that cannot attack at all), an Anti-Aircraft (that cannot attack ground units) would not be counted)

      3. No. Only close combat and only own units (not allies).

      4. 4 out of 7. See second bullet on page 1.

      5. Yes, if the unit can attack aircraft units.

      6. No. See page 6 last bullet.

      7. It can place an unlimited number of mines and does not need to refill. If you run out of mine markers, just use the start markers (the ones numbered 1-12).

      8. Yes

      Enjoy the game! Philipp

      Philipp (PKB Games)
      Posted February 15, 2022
  • Does a fortress block artillery s line of sight?

    Posted June 25, 2023
    • No. There is no such thing as one of sight.

      Posted July 3, 2023
  • Hausregel – Verschiedene Ansätze

    Sinn : Es soll vermieden werden , Einheiten über das Fort : zu prodzieren , zu reparieren und einzusetzen ( zurück ins Spiel ) .

    Fragen: 1. Wo werden Einheiten produziert ( gekauft ) ?
    2. Wo werden Einheiten repariert ?
    3. Wie und Wo kommen sie in das Spiel ?

    Einheitenblatt : Es ist Fabrik ( Einheiten kaufen ) und Werkstatt ( Reparatur ) gleichzeitig. Einheiten , die neu erworben oder repariert werden,
    sind hier auf – bzw. abzustellen .

    Fabrik : Alle produzierten ( gekauften ) Einheiten kommen auf das Einheitenblatt gemäß ihrer Waffengattung.
    Spezieleinheiten benutzen ihre Einheitsblätter ( Eisenbahngeschütz , Gasmörser , Kanonenboot usw. )

    Werkstatt : Folgende beschädigte ( Reparatur ) Einheiten kommen auf das Einheitenblatt gemäß ihrer Waffengattung :

    Flieger, Panzer, Geschütze ( Artillerie ) , gepanzerte und ungepanzerte Fahrzeuge .
    Spezieleinheiten benutzen ihre Einheitsblätter ( Eisenbahngeschütz , Gasmörser , Kanonenboot usw. )

    WICHTIG : beschädigte Infanterie verbleibt im Fort und erhält hier Nachschub ( Reparatur ) .
    Die Besatzung wird hier aufgefrischt und dient der Inbesitznahme ( zusätzlich zum Marker ) .

    Zurück ins Spiel : Alle Einheiten ( gekaufte/produzierte / reparierte ) werden vom Einheitenblatt auf das Spielbrett ( Hexfelder ) gesetzt.

    a ) Infanterie : Felder im Bereich des eigenen Fortes ( Verteidigung ) , Felder im Bereich neutraler/ feindlicher Forts, ,
    NUR WENN sich dort eigene Truppenteile befinden ! ( Verstärkung zum möglichen Angriff )

    b ) Panzer : wie Infanterie

    c ) gepanzerte und ungepanzerte Fahrzeuge : wie Infanterie

    d ) Artillerie : abhängig von ihrer jeweiligen maximalen Schussweite – auf ein frei wählbares Hexfeld , von dem sie feindliche Einheiten
    beschießen können . Befinden sich keine feindlichen Einheiten im Schußbereich – Zuordung zu einer frei wählbaren Armee.

    e ) Eisenbahngeschütz : wie Artillerie

    f ) Flieger / Zeppelin : abhängig von ihrer Flugreichweite – auf ein frei wählbares Hexfeld innerhalb der Flugreichweite bis Front ( Armee ).

    g ) Kanonenboot : ein Hexfeld mit Wasser – Startfeld ( Hafen ) ist 1. Reichweitenfeld

    Konsequenzen :

    Produzierte ( gekaufte ) Infanterie, die einem Fort aufgestellt wird , soll der sofortigen Vernichtung nicht ausgesetzt sein, wenn eine feindliche Inf.- Einheit das Fort erobert
    ( 1 feindliche Einheit könnte mindestens 2 Fortbesatzungen vernichten : die bereits vorhandene und die neu hinzugefügte ) .

    Alle anderen Einheiten ( gekaufte / reparierte ) werden ebenfalls hievor geschützt – wenn sie wie oben beschrieben auf das Spielfeld gesetzt werden.

    Dem Spieler ( Befehlshaber ) ist es überlassen wie ( Verteilung der Truppenteile ) und wo (verschiedene Fronten ) er die Einheiten gemäß obiger Bedingungen einsetzen
    möchte .

    Helmut Gabrich
    Posted October 3, 2023
  • Meine o. a. Gedanken gäbe es nicht , wenn Philipp und sein TEAM dieses Brettspiel nicht ermöglicht hätten. Es ist :
    – höchst spannend
    – mit einer einzigartigen Mechanik ( Stangen / Perlen ) für das Kampfsystem erdacht
    – mit sehr schönem und reichhaltigem Spielmaterial ausgestattet

    Herzlichen Dank für IHRE Arbeit
    Freue mich auf die Zusendung des Spieles

    Posted October 3, 2023
  • Nachtrag zur Hausregel :

    Die o. a. Einheiten ( Ausnahme Infanterie ) verlassen die Front und werden in eine Werkstatt geschleppt . Gemäß Regel wird repariert , um Schaden zu entfernen.*
    Dadurch kommen sie aus dem Spiel ( Fortregel ).

    * 1. Runde = Werkstatt
    2. Runde = Reparatur
    3. Runde = Fronteinsatz

    Posted October 3, 2023
  • Have you got a symbol key page somewhere that can be printed out?

    Kris J Kaminski
    Posted January 13, 2024
    • Hallo, Kris !
      Ich habe keine Seite, die ausgedruckt werden kann.
      Mit freundlichen Grüßen Helmut

      Posted January 27, 2024
    • There is no such page., unfortunately. But there is a “quick reference” on the back of the rule books which shows most of the symbols

      Posted January 28, 2024
  • Hey,

    Does leaving a Fort cost the movement of the target hex? So e.g. a foot soldier leaves a fort (after i bought or repaired it) and first hex is forest. Does it cost 1.5 movement points? Or does leaving a fort cost the same as entering a fort (0.5 movement points)?

    Posted January 29, 2024
    • The target hex, just like for any movement. So in your case 1.5 movement points.

      Posted February 2, 2024
  • Hallo, ist bei einem Flankenangriff (Zange) oder einem Kesselangriffmit drei Einheitrn egal wie die zwei bzw drei Einheiten positioniert sind, so lange sie sich im Nahkampf mit dem Gegner befinden oder muss wie auf der Abbildung ein Hex frei sein zwischen den angreifenden Einheiten? würden zwei Einheiten die direkt nebeneinander stehen in der Lage sein, einen Flankenangriff durchzuführen?

    ich hoffe die Frage ist klar.
    viele Grüße

    Posted February 10, 2024
    • Ja, es ist egal wo sie stehen (mit der Ausnahme, dass eine Einheit direkt gegenüber ein Kessel wäre und nicht nur Flanke). Es muss kein Hex dazwischen frei bleiben.

      PKB Games
      Posted February 11, 2024
  • Hola buenas tardes ,El juego es realmente bueno ,Mi pregunta es la siguiente ,Si en una entrada del fuerte tengo una unidad ocupandolo ,el fuerte es mio ,pero si mi enemigo tiene otra unidad en la entrada opuesta en su turno ,El fuerte seria suyo ? Aunque yo siga manteniendo mi unidad en la otra entrada ? Si se da este caso El fuerte cambiaria de manos cada turno ? Saludos desde España

    Julio Moran Lopez
    Posted May 3, 2024
    • Correcto. Usted captura el Fuerte con su infantería, entonces el enemigo captura el Fuerte con su infantería, lo que matará a su infantería que todavía está dentro del fuerte. Si tienes otra infantería adyacente a la entrada del fuerte, puedes capturar el fuerte de nuevo, matando a la infantería enemiga. Puedes continuar así hasta que un jugador se quede sin infantería.

      En realidad, no capturarías el fuerte si sabes que hay una infantería enemiga en un hexágono adyacente a la entrada del fuerte porque sabes que mataría inmediatamente a tu infantería dentro del fuerte si lo captura. Así que ambas infanterías se situarían frente al fuerte y nadie se atrevería a capturarlo, porque quien lo capture primero muere.

      Posted June 14, 2024
  • Hello, question about movement for these specific classes. Can the Anti-Aircraft, The Feild Gun, The Howitzer, and The Transport Truck move into forest tiles?

    My buddy and I were curious because these specific classes get no entrenchment bonus so we were thinking they can’t move into those areas.

    Thank you for so a amazing Game!

    Posted May 10, 2024
    • Yes, they can move into forests. They just do not get a special defense bonus there.

      PKB Games
      Posted June 14, 2024
  • Achtung Legacy Spoiler

    in der Legacy Kampagne auf der Ereigniskarte 34 steht “Du kannst alle feindlichen Einheiten die sich in Reichweite des Flammenwerfers befinden, ein Feld weiter von ihm weg bewegen”

    Kann der Spieler nur einmal von dieser Aktion Gebrauch machen (wenn das Ereignis ausgelöst) oder kann der Spieler mit dem Flammenwerfer die ganze Schlacht lang feindliche Einheiten verschieben?

    Posted May 26, 2024
    • Nur einmal. Das ist ja ein Ereignis der Ereigniskarte. Wäre es eine dauerhafte Fähigkeit würde das auf einer dauerhaften karte stehen, z.B. auf der Einheitenkarte des Flammenwerfers, einer Regelkarte, etc. Das ist aber nicht der Fall.

      PKB Games
      Posted June 14, 2024
  • Now, that is a GREAT game, congratulations and many, many thanks !
    After a few games, here are 2 questions I couldn’t find a clear answer to :
    1- Can a transport truck move allied units ? My guess is it can’t (consistent with the fact that a fort can only host units of it’s own faction), but would like to check…
    2- Can a unit which is attacked by several other units in close combat during its enemy’s turn counter-attack (provided it can) each one of them (so more than once during the multiple enemy’s attack) ? If it’s allowed to, it’s somewhat counterintuitive, as units can normally attack only once. But hey, what do you say to that ?

    Posted June 13, 2024
    • Thank you! Quick answer:
      1. No. Alles units cannot enter your transport truck.
      2. Yes. It will shoot back to every attacking unit (one after the other).
      If you want a logic behind that, tie it to the required movement. If you want to attack an enemy you will need to storm their positions. That will require you some time and you can only storm in one direction. That’s why units can only attack once. However, if you are sitting in your trenches you will of course shoot back at any number of attacking units from any side.

      PKB Games
      Posted June 14, 2024
  • Hi Philipp. Just tried solo and noticed the rulebook doesn’t mention if the Automa ever repairs units –so I assume it doesn’t; is this correct ?

    Posted June 16, 2024
  • Hello,
    Can a troop transport truck unload units after the second enemy contact?

    Joscha Strate
    Posted July 9, 2024
    • Yes. Whenever it ends its movement (for whatever reason) it will unload the units.

      Posted July 9, 2024
      • If the transport has enemy contact, do the units in the transport have enemy contact as well?
        I think it’s historically unrealistic that a transport can have two enemy contacts and still unload after that to a third hex where the units in the transport have another enemy contact.
        For me a sound solution would be that the transport can have two enemy contacts but only can unload to hexes where the units it unloads don’t have enemy contact. Or it unloads after the first enemy contact to a hex where the units have enemy contact.

        Posted July 10, 2024
        • Hi Henning, the units can be unloaded to any free hex. Please note the unloaded units cannot move any further anyway, so it does not matter if they have enemy contact or not. The historical context of “enemy contact” is that units have to move slowly/carefully when enemies are nearby. It does not been that they engage in combat.

          You are of course free to introduce house rules if you prefer! Feel free to share your experiences here how your house rules influenced the gameplay and whether players liked them

          Posted July 11, 2024
  • Hi there; I have a question on the winter side of the map : some areas are clearly hills or even mountains that tanks surely couldn’t pass and that must be difficult terrain for any unit..?? However, errors excepted, there is no mention of any mountain hex in the rulebook, which seems to consider those to be meadows… Just feels wrong…
    Thanks in advance for the clarification

    Posted July 14, 2024
    • Hi Seb, Yes, per rule book that’s considered standard terrain which we called “Meadows” in the Trench Club rule book (in Aces & Armor it is called “Standard”). However, Players can of course introduce their preferred house rules for these terrain types

      Posted July 21, 2024

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